Peace Plan – Focular Mundi
A kind invitation to everyone to be there on May 20, 12 noon, at the Carlo Felice Park in Rome: presentation of the Peace Plan of the international project “Focolar Mundi”, which blossomed from the Eternal City, in response to a pandemic drama that involved everything the World, and we thank the First Town Hall, Pres. Sabrina Alfonsi who embraced this initiative and will intervene.
And so from May 20, starting from the Carlo Felice Park in Rome, the first cultural hotbed of the Focolar Mundi project: Focolai Culturali-Colori Per La Pace.
The most important cultural campaign in the world can begin: it is important that the Roman forces, the theaters, associations, schools, cinematographic, literary, institutional, artistic and artistic realities, the whole city can know the Peace Plan of Focolar Mundi which in Rome can create, fully implemented, an induced activity of over 350 million euros, employment and promotion international city.
So a capillary cultural campaign in cultural places, in parks, so that everyone and everyone can participate in the rebirth of Rome, feel necessary for its restart, its return to being Caput Mundi and becoming Focolar Mundi. And then proceed from Rome to an engaging national cultural campaign of the Peace Plan, so that it will be possible to create a National Focolare throughout the Bel Paese from 17 to 21 September that is an extraordinary interior-exterior experience, such as to attract tourists from all over the world.
Throughout the national territory: hoping that it will also be possible to see the First Universal Chariot of Peace, emblem of the Eternal City and of a new World, parade from 18-21 September and in subsequent weekends, which will inaugurate the annual CarnevalPeace event, an international festival of peace. Eternal City-Caput-Mundi-Focolar Mundi.❤️
On Thursday 20 May 2021, at 12.00, in the Gardens of Viale Carlo Felice in Rome, the Peace Plan of the “Focolar Mundi” project and the International Peace Chariot will be presented.
The Project that provides for the support of the Municipality of Rome I Center will start on 17 September c.a. in the same Gardens with the “Il Parco Felice” project. Five days of events, dedicated to peace and culture with the participation of nine Roman associations and the involvement of nearby businesses and representatives of some cities of the Lazio Region.
Sabrina Alfonsi – President of the “Municipality of Rome I Centro”
and the promoters of the Project:
Adriano Barghetti – President of the “Paese de l’Autremond” Association
Antonio Giannelli and Mario Gallo – respectively President and Secretary to the Presidency of the Association “I Colori per la Pace”
Sara Marullo – President of the APS “Amici del Parco Felice” which adopted the homonymous Gardens and which represents the first cultural hotbed
Anna Maria Piva – Artistic and Organizational Director of “La Compagnia delle Stelle”
Viviana Toniolo – Artistic Director of the “Teatro Vittoria”
Gino Auriuso – President of “FE.DIT.ART”
Alfredo De Joannon – President of the Association “PEACE RUN Italia”